Michael Friis' Blog


Post with videos of me saying words

The whole Folkets Ting business has turned out rather well (even though the site is not currently updated — we’re working on it!) and I’ve been invited to speak on a few occations. Some of the talks were recorded, and in the interest of self-agrandissement they are included below in chronological order (except for the last one).

Short interview at Halvandet, the day before Reboot11 started:

Talk at Reboot11:

Talk (in Danish) at HeadStart morning inspiration-session in Ã…rhus:

Short blurb (in Danish) on what I think about the usefulness of public data at the ODIS conference:

Speech on “Political Data API” after a project of mine won a competition promoting reuse of public data (winners were announced at the conference mentioned above):

You can watch the same video with slides here

And finally, a non Folkets Ting video where I talk about TEDBot, recorded at the “Berlin in October” un-conference: