Famous Danish Programmers
Denmark somehow seems to have hatched more programmers and language designers of note than one would expect of a country of 6 million. Since almost none of them live in Denmark, it is kind of easy to forget. Here’s a partial list (alphabetical, inclusion determined by my completely whimsical notions of famousness, reasons for inclusion may be somewhat exaggerated):
- Anders Hejlsberg (came up with Turbo Pascal, lead architect for C#)
- Bjarne Stoustrup (came up with C++)
- David Heinemeier Hansson (created Ruby on Rails)
- Lars and Jens Rasmussen (came up with Google Maps and Google Wave)
- Lars Bak (created V8 Javascript VM for Google Chrome)
- Peter Naur (Turing Award winner, contributed to ALGOL 60)
- Rasmus Lerdorf (created PHP, born on/in Greenland)
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