Showing maps and borders in Processing

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A few days ago, I posted a video showing public procurement expanding geopraphically with the EU enlargements in the ’00s. There weren’t any borders, but you could sort of see the outline of Europe and how the dots spread east with time.

Adding actual borders to the map proved very frustrating. The Geographical Information System (GIS) space seems plagued by obtuse binary formats, stodgy desktop applications and a profusion of coordinate systems. I tried many avenues, one of the more promising being a smoothed map from MapShaper passed through TatukGIS and exported to KML. The coordinates from MapShaper turned out to be incompatible with the latitude/longitude ones I had from the Google Maps web services however.

After much searching, I found a KML-file in the Google Maps group ( with the borders of all the worlds countries. It’s not smoothed in any way, so the haggard coastline of a country like Norway looks too thick when zoomed out. The result is better than the original though:

I implemented a simple Processing helper-class to parse and draw the KML. You instantiate it like this: helper = new XMLHelper(new XMLElement(this, "world.kml"));. It has a Init() method that takes a String[] of the countries you need and String denoting the XML path to the line coordinates, e.g. "Polygon/outerBoundaryIs/LinearRing/coordinates". After initialization you can ask it for its maximum and minimum coordinates using min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y. The Draw() method draws the map on the sceen, scaled to fit the size.

class XMLHelper
  float coordscale = 1;
  XMLElement borders;
  Line[] lines = new Line[0];
  public float max_y =0, min_y = 70, max_x = 0, min_x = 0;
  public XMLHelper(XMLElement xe)
    borders = xe;
  public void Init(String[] wantedcountries, String coordpath)
    XMLElement[] filecountries = borders.getChildren("Folder/Placemark");
    for(int i = 0; i < filecountries.length; i++)
      XMLElement c = filecountries[i];

      if(Util.Contains(wantedcountries, c.getChild(0).getContent()))
        // this one should be included on the map
        String points = c.getChild(coordpath).getContent();
        String[] point_a = split(points," ");
        Point[] pointarray = new Point[point_a.length];
        for(int j = 0; j < point_a.length; j++)
          String[] xyz = split(point_a[j],',');
          float x = float(xyz[0])/coordscale;
          float y = float(xyz[1])/coordscale;
          pointarray[j] = new Point(x, y);
          max_x = max(x, max_x);
          min_x = min(x, min_x);
          max_y = max(y, max_y);
          min_y = min(y, min_y);
        // this looks slow
        lines = (Line[]) append(lines,new Line(pointarray));
  public void Draw()
    for(int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
      Line l = lines[i];
      for(int j = 0; j < l.points.length; j++)
          map(l.points[j].x, min_x, max_x, 0, width),
          height - map(l.points[j].y, min_y, max_y, 0, height)

class Point
  public float x,y;
  public Point(float _x, float _y)
    x = _x;
    y = _y;

class Line
  Point[] points;
  public Line(Point[] _points)
    points = _points;

static class Util
  static boolean Contains(String[] a, String s)
    for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
        return true;
    return false;

Processing and SQL server on Windows

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Tim Regan has a comprehensive description of how he got SQL Server 2008 running with processing. I found some steps to be superfluous while others were missing (it was still an invaluable guide though), here’s how I did it:

  1. Get the SQL Server JDBC driver, be sure to get the Windows version
  2. Unpack it somewhere and copy sqljdbc.jar to libraries\sqljdbc\library in your Processing folder
  3. Copy qljdbc_auth.dll from the enu\auth\x86 folder of jdbc to C:\Windows\System32
  4. In your sketch, do Sketch->Import Library->sqljdbc
  5. You can now use the helper class from Tim’s post (which is inspired by the one in Ben Fry’s book)

Note that it is apparantly not necessary to muck around with the CLASSPATH. Happy querying!

Video of procuring authorities in the EU

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I did a video showing the geographical spread over time of authorities buying stuff through the EU public procurement system. We managed to hijack all the contracts some time ago and the addresses of the authorities and the winning contractors have now all been geocoded. You can also explore the data on the TEDBot website.

The animation starts in january 2003 and ends at the end of 2007. You can actually see the EU expansion happening in May 2004 with dots spreading east. 10 14 day intervals are shown each second. The animation was generated with Processing.